The City of Atlanta today announced that Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms will join Mayors and CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment, a coalition comprised of 16 mayors and CEOs from across the country.

The initiative is a first-of-its-kind partnership between local government and business leaders designed to promote public-private partnerships that address the national housing affordability and homelessness crisis. The partnerships also forcefully oppose further federal funding cuts to upward mobility programs.

“It is my honor to join other leaders across the nation to advocate on behalf of the homeless and those struggling with housing affordability,” Bottoms said. “Issues of this scope are too enormous for one office or organization to tackle alone.

“With the assistance of our business community, local leaders can speak with a louder voice and discover innovative ways to improve the quality of life for the people we serve,” she continued. “Having recently launched a series of heritage owner-occupied rehab housing programs, I look forward to partnering with this coalition as we work together to actualize the promise and basic dignity of housing equity.”

Mayors and CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment is a 501(c)(3) coalition advocating for federal investment in affordable housing and homeless services. The coalition of mayors represents a geographically diverse group of rural, suburban and urban elected officials.

Member cities include: Portland, OR; Sacramento, CA; San Francisco, CA; Oakland, CA; San Diego, CA; Mesa, AZ; Phoenix, AZ; Denver, CA; Aurora, CA; Little Rock, AR; Philadelphia, PA; and the District of Columbia. Private sector partners include: Airbnb, GHC Housing Partners and Sutter Health.

Last week, Mayor Bottoms announced the launch of three unique Heritage Owner-Occupied Rehab (OOR) programs to keep longtime Atlanta residents in their homes. The initiative is part of Mayor Bottoms’ pledge to leverage $1 billion in funds designated to support anti-displacement efforts and expand affordable housing citywide.

The Heritage OOR is the latest in a series of initiatives launched by Mayor Bottoms and the City of Atlanta to combat homelessness and displacement. Atlanta has been a national leader in public-private partnerships that have significantly increased the efficiency of city investments.

Last year, the Atlanta City Council voted unanimously to authorize Invest Atlanta to issue a $26 million Homeless Opportunity Bond matched by a $25 million philanthropic donation from the United Way of Greater Atlanta.  

Working together, Invest Atlanta and the Regional Commission on Homelessness will invest $50 million in city and private funds, and leverage $66 million in state and federal funds, to make homelessness in Atlanta rare, brief, and nonrecurring.

Since 2015, Atlanta has seen a 34 percent decrease in the unsheltered population and a 44 percent decrease in chronic homelessness.

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